Bandai Namco has unveiled new features coming to Tekken 8 in its Winter Update and beyond. These include an “evolved” Photo Mode, which allows for going frame by frame through clips and adding grim and wet details to fighters in images. You can also set different gestures for their hands, including points and thumbs-ups.

Other notable additions include Player Search to find other profiles (and download their ghosts) and bonus levels to the Fight Pass. In early 2025, the development team will add more customization slots and fan art. You can even see your customized characters in the main menu. There’s also the 30th-anniversary Fight Pass, which includes free t-shirts and paid sprays, skins, and customization items.

Tekken 8 is available for Xbox Series X/S, PS5, and PC. Check out our review of the base game. It sold over two million copies in its first month and received numerous free updates alongside three new paid DLC fighters – Eddy, Lidia, and Heihachi.

TEKKEN 8 - Winter Update & Season 2 Announcement Trailer

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