Earlier today Sony revealed the new games included in your PS Plus subscription in February, but located at the bottom of the announcement was an interesting tidbit if information: the company is going to reduce the amount of PS4 games being offered.

According to the blog post, from January 2026 Sony is going to focus on offering PS5 games as part of the free monthly titles, as well as the Game Catalog which is part of the middle-tier subscription.

‘As many of our players are currently playing on PS5 and have shifted toward redeeming and accessing PS5 titles from the Monthly Games and Game Catalog benefit, PlayStation Plus is also evolving with this trend and will focus on offering PS5 titles through the Monthly Games and Game Catalog benefit starting January 2026.” says the post.

The news is actually somewhat surprising, as it wasn’t that long ago that we learned half of the people on PSN are still using a PS4 or older hardware.

As part of the change, Sony says they’re going to start reducing the amount of PS4 games being offered.

“As we shift to PS5, PS4 games will no longer be a key benefit and will only be occasionally offered for PlayStation Plus Monthly Games and Game Catalog starting January 2026.” they say. “We may still provide titles that can be playable on both PS4 and PS5 consoles after this date.”

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