Revenge of the Savage Planet, a sequel to 2020’s Journey to the Savage Planet, will launch in May 2025. Raccoon Logic announced this during the PC Gaming Show: Most Wanted while offering a new trailer. Check it out below, though a gameplay reveal is coming on December 17th.

The story focuses on Martin Tweed, CEO of Kindred Aerospace, waging war against Alta Interglobal CEO Gunther Harrison. After being left on an abandoned planet by the latter, players must explore, scavenge, scan, and ultimately survive. Amidst all this, you’ll utilize three types of goo, battle bosses (including the non-corporate kind), customize your living space, and capture creatures.

However, it’s only the beginning since there are four hostile planets to explore. Like the first game, there’s also co-op with split-screen and local play alongside crossplay for the first time.

Revenge of the Savage Planet is coming to Xbox Series X/S, PS5, and PC. Besides its digital launch, it’s also getting a Day One Edition physical release on consoles, which offers the “Hot Wizz” spacesuit as a bonus.

Revenge of the Savage Planet Gameplay Preview | PC Gaming Show

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