Sony Interactive Entertainment has announced third-person action adventure game Bloody Boots from Weloadin and 3D platformer Lokko from Appy Monkeys as the next two titles titles joining its India Hero Project initiative to support game development in India.

Get the details below.

Bloody Boots (Weloadin)

Bloody Boots is a high-voltage third-person action adventure game set in Crank Town, a dystopian entertainment hub powered by junk-punk advancements in biotech. This town thrives on illegal gambling and savage acts that push the limits of morality with twisted and chaotic activities.

Play as a fugitive teen trapped in Crank Town’s lawless mayhem. In a playground of ruthless mutants, mech-enhanced supervillains, and savage bosses. Fight to get your ticket out!

Prepare for adrenaline-pumped action.

Lokko (Appy Monkeys)

Lokko | Announcement Trailer - PS5, Steam & iOS #ps5 #steam #ios #platformer #dualsense #sony


Help Lokko and his brother overcome the evil Goobol Corporation and deliver piping hot Pizzas worldwide!

Lokko is a unique 3D platformer where fun meets creativity. Build and share challenging levels across PlayStation 5, PC, and iOS seamlessly in real-time. Make your own character and design your enemies and bosses.

Leverage the power of DualSense on all three platforms. Players can share their creations and compete against their friends anytime, anywhere.
Be the one who makes the best, most fun levels!

Key Features

  • In-built level editors for platforming and car racing , players have the ability to generate and distribute their own levels. Hook up advanced level designs by chaining timers, accelerators and switches, placing NPCs and Bosses to make fun playable levels with your friends. Easy to use and intuitive controls with game controllers and keyboard/mouse support.
  • In-built character editors allows you to customize your player character endlessly. Change the look of your character by deleting, adding and painting blocks with easy to use controls. Push your changes directly into all the Single Player levels and share your custom levels with the click of a button.
  • Change the look and behavior of all the NPC enemies by adding, deleting and painting blocks. Swap them into the Level Editor immediately to see how they behave in-game and in your user created levels.
  • Create customized racing tracks with an awesome track editor, build road curves, ramps and loops using your own forklift.
  • Instantly test your levels and drive in real-time without leaving the game.
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