Battlestate Games has confirmed that Escape from Tarkov’s next wipe will hit tomorrow, December 26. This patch – which also includes Escape from Tarkov Arena – ushers in the patch, and the patch for the latter title. It’s set to take the game offline for around eight hours, and when it comes back up, hundreds of thousands of players will flood the game.
How many of them will be cheaters or malicious operators?
Good with the Bad
Escape from Tarkov has had a tough time of late dealing with more than a few issues. The biggest concern is cheaters, and the epidemic reached such epic proportions that the game’s biggest streamers were turned off, with many players diverting their attention to the game’s ‘offline’ PvE offering.
This month, Tarkov’s viewer counts on Twitch hit their lowest point since the summer of 2019, when the game underwent a monumental boom on streaming and content platforms.
Regardless, Escape from Tarkov will undergo a sizeable upshift in the coming days as the next Tarkov wipe hits and countless players come back to the extraction shooter in droves. It’ll hit the top spots in the charts on streaming sites, and once again, players will start their stories in Tarkov, tackling those pesky early-game tasks.
Tomorrow, December 26, at 7:00 AM GMT / 2:00 AM EST we are planning to install patches for #EscapefromTarkov and for #TarkovArena. The installation will take approximately 8 hours. The installation of updates may be extended if required. The games will not be…
When Tarkov wipes tomorrow, it’ll bring about the update, which introduces changes to Customs and adds in several new weapons, amongst other things. Battlestate is also tweaking the game’s weapon recoil mechanics, making some major visual adjustments.
It’s also expected that the Unity 2022 upgrade will be wrapped up in this patch.
Are you looking forward to the next Tarkov wipe? Make sure you keep an eye open for the Twitch Drops campaign starting later this month, and be sure to stop by the GPlayr forum.
For more GPlayr coverage, check out our breakdown of the apocalyptic games that broke the market this year